Paul Ludacka - CBMC Business profile Lunch speaker Oct 2017Paul Ludacka was born, raised in Omaha.

Paul faced challenges that children should never experience. His father was in and out of his life due to his struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. His parents divorced and his mom remarried an abusive man.

At the age of 14, Paul choose to leave home. Despite this darkness in his life, there were sources of light that gave him strength. He found peace in playing sports. He met his “dream girl” when he was 11 yrs old and vowed to marry her one day.

Upon leaving home, his best friend’s mom allowed him to live with them and later, led him to be a Financial Advisor.

Paul is married to his dream girl, Sarah, and they have 5 amazing kids.

Come and hear Paul’s life story.


Monday, October 9th
Noon to 1:00 PM
5022 South 108th Street
Omaha, NE 68137
(Buffet Lunch $11)


In case you missed the meeting.  We did have a great turnout.

 Watch the video

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