Trusted Adviser Groups provide business professionals, executives, & managers, the opportunity to implement Godly principles in business and daily life.

Work on your business rather than in your business with other believers

You have certainly heard that before and many times business professionals and owners find themselves so wrapped up in day-to-day business activities that their business and performance suffers. The difference between CBMC Trusted Advisory Forum  and other groups, like Vistage or The Alternative Board, is the opportunity to work with other Christian business leaders, CEO’s, executives, and owners.

You Don't Have to Go it ALONE

Business leaders can feel alone when facing tough business and life problems? As a member in a CBMC Trusted Advisory Forum you can lean on the coaching and guidance of others in the business community to help you make sound biblical business decisions. God is among group members and His guidance and advice are clearly evident; they act as your “Board of Directors.”


Trusted Advisory Forum offer:

  • a safe place to discuss business and life's challenges
  • a sense of community with business peers with similar business responsibilities
  • accountability to match business practices with a commitment to God and His Word

The mission of CBMC Trusted Advisory Forum  is to reach a business leader right where he is and help him become the leader God designed him to be, while building a business of excellence that glorifies God.

Groups meet monthly for a period of 4 hours to pray and unlock God’s wisdom on how best to operate in business using God’s principles. Other opportunities throughout the month may arise where members communicate with each other on challenges.
Each group is unique and can have up to 15 men from various backgrounds and life experiences. Young or old, new to business or a seasoned veteran, you can find a place where God can lead you and you can be a help to others.

There are 7 Trusted Advisory Forums in the greater Omaha area and one that may be just right for you. If you are a business leader, manager, or owner that wishes to counsel with other believers on an on-going basis Contact us.

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